Now this might seem completely a bizarre outlook and the height of egotism, but sometimes I believe that the world is only at most 100/150 years old and has been developed for my sole entertainment and for the stage that is my life.
In other words my life is nothing short of my life-long movie, brilliantly choreographed by millions of extras who are only on stage and performing their roles when I am around.
All of history before 150 years ago is essentially background information in what is an incredible setup. If you think about it, all history until 150 years ago is a period that no one on earth has first hand knowledge off.
We believe history existed because we read about it and thousands or millions of years of evolution can just be whiled away as a testament to humankind's belief that we have “evolved.”
(Again, background material for my life movie. Oh, and an inflated human ego is in turn a testament to my expectation that my life exists for my sole entertainment.)
Bluntly put, I am an experiment by God (alas, even my ego does not allow me to discount a supreme being and a grand surveyor of all that is; and will be), and all this will end when I am gone.
The advances people have made in the last 100 years puts the evolution of man over the previous 1000 years to shame. Man would evolve much like a the blooming of a flower, not worth much watching from start to finish but for occasional peeks over prolong lapses of time to understand its evolutionary benefits.
Progress nowadays are happening in leaps and bounds, seemingly limited by our capacity to get a move on. The life cycle of gadgets rival that of insects these days, where an entire cycle of a product from development, to production to obsolence is almost short of belief. Blink too long and you might miss it.
It boggles the mind that all this could be for my sole benefit, in this experiment that I call life (and God probably calls “twiddling”).
Sometimes though I would prefer to be an extra in someone else's life if that meant driving that flashy car or courting that beautiful other extra in the form of a film star or singer. You see there is often times too much pressure to perform when you're always the star.
But then I realise that maybe I could be wrong – or worse, wrong about being wrong!
In other words my life is nothing short of my life-long movie, brilliantly choreographed by millions of extras who are only on stage and performing their roles when I am around.
All of history before 150 years ago is essentially background information in what is an incredible setup. If you think about it, all history until 150 years ago is a period that no one on earth has first hand knowledge off.
We believe history existed because we read about it and thousands or millions of years of evolution can just be whiled away as a testament to humankind's belief that we have “evolved.”
(Again, background material for my life movie. Oh, and an inflated human ego is in turn a testament to my expectation that my life exists for my sole entertainment.)
The advances people have made in the last 100 years puts the evolution of man over the previous 1000 years to shame. Man would evolve much like a the blooming of a flower, not worth much watching from start to finish but for occasional peeks over prolong lapses of time to understand its evolutionary benefits.
Progress nowadays are happening in leaps and bounds, seemingly limited by our capacity to get a move on. The life cycle of gadgets rival that of insects these days, where an entire cycle of a product from development, to production to obsolence is almost short of belief. Blink too long and you might miss it.
It boggles the mind that all this could be for my sole benefit, in this experiment that I call life (and God probably calls “twiddling”).
Sometimes though I would prefer to be an extra in someone else's life if that meant driving that flashy car or courting that beautiful other extra in the form of a film star or singer. You see there is often times too much pressure to perform when you're always the star.
But then I realise that maybe I could be wrong – or worse, wrong about being wrong!
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