Friday, 19 August 2011

How to peel that banana?

Who'd have known that “peeling the banana” ain't just no euphemism but an actual art that could be mastered?

It all started with my image search for yesterday's blog post (in which I used “peeling a banana” as potential euphemism for something more sinister. Click here to read the blog post) when I came across an image on google on peeling a banana.

I clicked on the image that I liked and found it embedded a post in another blog (entitled “Watch people jump”). The post was on how to peel a banana efficiently. The post even had a youtube clip (see below) that explained how to do it.

But before you click on the video below, ask yourself one question. Who would you associate most with a stereotypical love for bananas? If you answered apes or monkeys you be right on the button (however, if you didn't answer that way, what's wrong with you?!).

Thursday, 18 August 2011

A made up true story of something that might have happened, maybe

This is a true story I could be made up (but it could very well be a made up story that could be true).

A neighbour couple's son walked in on them while they were 'cooking up a storm,' or 'peeling the banana,' or 'tying down the boat.' Now perhaps they were doing literally that (I wan't there so I don't know), i.e 'cooking up a storm' for a big dinner party, or 'peeling the banana' to put in their cornflakes, or 'tying down the boat' since a storm was moving in... but you, the reader, probably jumped to a conclusion and made a fairly broad assumption about what they might actually have been occupied with.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Social networking is anti-social

The London riots has led to the first ever conviction against an individual for setting up of a page on facebook.

In fact, two individuals were sentenced to 4-years imprisonment for setting up two respective facebook pages. Jordan Blackshaw, 20, and Perry Sutcliffe-Keenan, 22, were handed the toughest sentences by the judges so far in the riot cases.

Blackshaw created an event on the site entitled 'Smash Down Northwich Town,' while Sutcliffe-Keenan used facebook to encourage a riot. Clearly not their most sanguine nor sane moment for two men who have been reported to have “both being of previous good character” by the media.

The judges probably hadn't read a recent report by a psychology professor of an American university on the affects of social networking on teens, otherwise they might have been a bit more lenient... of course they would also have to believe in passing the buck!

Monday, 15 August 2011

Working women come from hoers

I didn't just make it up, but a report in the Economist of London claims that the outlook of society towards working women depended greatly in ancient farming techniques – mainly whether they used the plough or the hoe in their farming.