Now, one thing that must be said is my creative accounting style allows me to maul timeframes and payment cycles in my head much more easily than people who are more systematic in their approach to balancing the chequebook – logic takes time to comprehend in that it requires a clear minded approach and a clear line of sight to chronology. Creative accounting and quick assessment, on the other hand, have an almost wicked means of solving itself.
The case I mention about my wife is that she is very particular with paying the bills from her own funds with the expressed expectation that the funds will be replenished by me as quickly as it exited her own account. Given my affinity to dilly and dally, coupled with my innate nature to willy-wally, my chequebook is slow in coming out. This is not so much as a reflex to not pay my dues as much as it is an indication of my, often, nonchalant and relaxed temperament (to say nothing about my sincere, but lax, intent that my debts are as good as paid... eventually).