Friday, 21 October 2011

Jobs & Gaddafi, more in common than apples

The Arab Spring has claimed its first head. Now while other ill-fated heads of government opposed popular uprising to their own downfall, few opposed it with the viciousness and acrimony of Col. Muammar Gaddafi – swearing against the “rats and dogs” and defiant till the last bullet finally entered his skull.

Here was probably the last great megalomania – so eccentric to the core that he was downright weird. Media reports on Gaddafi are pouring through the internet with each news agency trying to outdo the other with salient details of the man that was.

While the frequency of the reports are beginning to rival that of Steve Jobs' passing, not surprisingly the reports are in direct contrast to the eulogies that the founder of Apple received. While Steve could do little wrong in the wake of his passing, Muammar it seems can do little right in the same circumstances.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Offline circumstances

Living on the Crossroads is in the process of migrating to its own web address:

Unfortunately the site is still under construction... and the pages could not be successfully uploaded. Please bear with me. In the meantime 'Living on the Crossroads' will continue to remain on the Blogger server until further notice.
