Friday, 4 November 2011

911: A conspiracy, not just theory

There are probably dozens (if not more) conspiracy theories about what happened on 9/11 and whether in fact Al Qaeda was in fact responsible.

I for one was never convinced that Osama bin Laden was behind the hijacking and the resulting destruction in the US that day. A lot of it never made any sense to me – most importantly the motive was never clear.

I mean if you look at the facts as they have played out neither Osama bin Laden nor his Al Qaeda movement has benefited in the least... if anything they have lost much more.

But then who has benefited?

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Providence saves

Going through the papers a particular news item caught my eye and reminded me of providence.

It seems a Sri Lankan trawler was detained in South Africa earlier last month after it had docked at a South African port to pick up bunkers.

The ship was scheduled to depart for Sierra Leone, however, after an ad hoc inspection by the South African Maritime Safety Authority (Samsa) the ship was detained because it did not have any safety equipment on board.

The owner argued that such was not a requirement as part of Sri Lankan rules only to be told that at a South African port the ship had to meet South African rules. The owner reluctantly bought the requisite safety equipment and had it installed to be allowed to set sail.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

500 day journey ends without ever beginning

It never ceases to amaze me the extents man is capable of going in the name of science. This week six people will re-enter civilisation after 520 days inside a isolation facility designed to simulate a trip to Mars.

The facility located in at the Institute of Biomedical Problems in Moscow. The six 'astronauts,' comprising of an international crew of three Russians, a French man, an Italian and a Chinese man, have been inside a windowless capsule since June 2010. The core of the mission was to test whether it is in fact psychologically possible for man to survive the trip.

When they come out this Friday, the answer will be an emphatic (if, I think, a cautious) 'yes.'

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

“Facts” about Gaddafi

In my estimation death brings out the best and then the worst in a lot of people. I have been commenting on the two high-profile deaths last month October – that of Steve Jobs and then Muammar Gaddafi.

The media was filled by reports, anecdotes and factoids that were flamboyant in its praise for Jobs as it was in its disdain for Gaddafi.

Then a few days go by and the frenzy dissipates into a trickle, suddenly the reports, anecdotes and factoids in the media are no longer as rosy or rabid as they once were.

Jobs is being portrayed more and more as a dictator and a hard man to get along with; someone who bullied his way to getting what he wanted, and in the way he wanted it.

Suddenly there are reports on Gaddafi's benevolence.

Monday, 31 October 2011

On All Hallow's Eve

Today is Halloween. And while typically I have never celebrated by dressing up and foraging for candy... I live Halloween through the exploits of my children, since Halloween is slowly becoming a global event as it finds popularity in more and more countries.

I came across this blog post on 'My Modern Met' about a Ray Villafane pumpkin carver extraordinaire! Villafene does not carve a pumpkin like a typical Jack-o-Lantern but puts an animated face on his carved creations.

When I saw the various animated faces on the pumpkins I immediately knew that these were amazing pieces of art that i HAD to share.