Wednesday, 24 August 2011

100 years ago

On the heels of my last post about amazing things happening in the last 100 to 150 years, I came across a list of how things were in the United States in 1910.

It can probably be safely said that the US in the early 20th century was where things were happening and that the country's economic and technological status could be a fairly good barometer of the state of things across the rest of the world (after all, while there were countries at par or maybe a step or two ahead in the game, most were not).

The following apparently are true at the turn of the 20th century, circa 1910:
    1910 Ford Model R
  • The average life expectancy for men was 47.
  • Fuel for the Ford Model R was only sold in drugstores.
  • Only 14 percent of homes had a bathtub.
  • Only eight percent of homes had a telephone.
  • There were only 8,000 cars in the US and only 144 miles (230 km) of paved road.
  • The speed limit in most cities was 10 miles per hour (16 km/h).
  • The tallest structure in the world was still the Eiffel Tower.
  • The average US wage was 22 cents an hour.
  • The average US worker made between US$200 and US$400 per year.
  • A competent accountant could earn US$2,000 per year; a dentist US$2,500; a veterinarian between US$1,500 to US$4,000; and a mechanical engineer about US$5,000.
  • More than 95 percent of births were at home.
  • Ninety percent of doctors has no college education. Instead they attended medical school, many of which were considered substandard.
  • Sugar cost four cents a pound.
  • Eggs were 14 cents a dozen.
  • Coffee was 15 cents a pound.
  • Most women washed their hair only once a month, using egg yolk for shampoo.
  • The American flag had 45 stars.
  • The population of Las Vegas, Nevada, was 30.
  • Crossword puzzles, canned beer and iced tea hadn't been invented.
  • Two out of ten adults couldn't read or write and only six percent of all Americans has graduated from high school.
    From fuel to heroin - the corner drugstore had it all!
  • Marijuana, heroin and morphine were all available over the counter at the corner drugstores.
  • Pharmacists said: "Heroin clears the complexion, gives bouyancy to the mind, regulates the stomach and bowels and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health."
  • Eighteen percent of households had at least one full-time servant or domestic help.
  • There were about 230 murders reported in the entire US.
The compiler added that "I am going to forward this to someone else without typing it myself," continuing that "from there is will be sent to others all over the world - all in a matter of seconds. Try to imagine what it may be like in another 100 years. It staggers the mind!"

While I found the list an amazing exercise in looking back, but sadly, if my theory that all this is for me and only me is true, - i doubt we'll ever see the next 100 years.

The future is waiting to happen... and it might be in Dubai.

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