Friday, 27 May 2011

Taking on Tequila Suicide

It seems that the limits of depravity and decadence are always being challenged by boredom and one-upmanship.

A newspaper report that recently caught my eye was a reuters report headlined 'Our staff snorted salt, not cocaine,' which was the explanation offered by a German insurance company official when a photograph, published in German tabloid 'Bild,'showed sales agents snorting white powder from a table-top at an employee motivation party last September.

The company in the statement claimed that "The pictures published in Bild show a drinking game with salt, Tequila and lemon juice." It claimed that the white powder on the table top was salt not drugs.

The game in question was known as “Tequila Suicide” and requires drinkers to snort salt, drink tequila and to squeeze lime into their eyes.

Salt through the nose and lime into the eyes! And this is part of a drinking game people voluntarily partake in!? My eyes are watering already at the thought (and am not sure how my nose could possibly feel, but I'd imagine a bloody sinus mutiny). I guess the only saving grace is that people were at least expected to take in the Tequila orally rather than, say, through other orifices.

A quick online search revealed countless youtube videos – naturally of men rather than women and typically in a bar – featuring the depraved individual surrounded by equally boisterous 'friends' egging them on. I mean, seriously!? Talk about ridiculous peer pressure and sheer spinelessness.

The incident reported allegedly occurred at an 'employee motivation party. These were definitely 'motivated' employees, but what could motivate someone to do what they were caught doing on film is beyond me.

As society develops and civilisations seem to mature, it appears that nature's rules kick in and takes its course. What goes up must come down; you will be hard pressed to find similar cases of self-inflicted depravity in lesser developed countries (in those countries, however, all examples of depravity are of those imposed on other people – say by elected officials or the government).

Talk about entitlement blues and misplaced priorities.


Anonymous said...

I've been coming to your blog everyday. Interesting viewpoints and way of looking at things. You should write more stories that have made you, you. Talatism is a good laugh and a good way to live. Makes life easier to digest I think.

Talat Kamal said...

Thanks for the words of encouragement. would have liked it if you had left your name. maybe next time? and i'll try and put in more talatisms in the next posts :)