Saturday, 28 May 2011

Numbing or dumbing of the senses...

I caught this news clip broadcast on Russia TV news. The footage was from a CCTV across a busy Turkish Highway.

What's amazing about it is that as this little child crawls off the curb, the drivers in the cars going by don't seem to let it put a stop to their day... except maybe for this one man who puts his hand out to warn on-coming traffic, although he doesn't seem to stop either.

It's amazing how some people can become so isolated in their own worlds? Is it that people seem to believe that things don't concern them anymore if they look away...

Don't discount guardian angels watching from above just yet.


Bradly Jones said...

unfortunately it's the world we are building. a world that is restricted to the plasma screen of our entertainment. a world that erases our basic compassion.Thanks for the post.

call Bangladesh

Talat Kamal said...

Thanks Bradley Jones for your comment. Looking away in my mind feeds our estrangement from the human condition, so much so that we tend to forget that we are all the same being.
