But there is a catch.
The catch is that it only happens when the time is right... never, ever, before. For example I could wish for a Porsche 911 today (which is like saying I don't have one yet) but the car will never be mine until I am really ready for it – be it emotionally (might give me a big head otherwise), be it financially (might not be able to afford its maintenance now), be it physically (might not be big enough to find it comfortable), and so on.
Having said that, it has also been my observation that what you wish for also defines the next course of action. Sadly nothing comes easy in this life – if it is worth having. This is true for me and I am certain it's true for most people with a conscience.
I yearn to own a 911 (as opposed to stealing one), so that would mean honest living and hard work for a good couple of years. Pay my dues and that car will be in my drive way soon enough.
(Come to think about, for even those who would consider stealing one... there is still some hard work to do in planning a good getaway because they don't want to get caught and have to return it!)
Like all things if we enjoy the good life now its only because someone had paid the price. I imagine my son may have it easier and have bigger dreams than the Porsche because quite possibly by the time he learns to drive there really will be a 911 in the drive way! So a porsche will be rather passē by the time he is my age (or surely younger).
Starting from my very birth, I have been fortunate to get everything that I have ever wanted at the time I needed it most; at the time that was just right for things to happen. Whether it was school admissions, making new friends, jobs, marriage, children, buying cars, computers or stereos – everything had fallen on my lap (mind you, my initial desires defined the path that I needed to follow and the choices that I needed to make; the rest just happened.)
A Talatism truth that I live with is that everything that I desire will be mine... but only those things that I really need and only when I really need them. Never, ever, before. I consider it divine dictation.
So what of dreams that haven't come to pass? Well, time will sort that one out hopefully (and if it doesn't come to pass? Then it was never going to be good for me anyway. No loss really.)
This morning I was reminded that timing is so important through a new item I came across across the internet. According to the report a 20-year old would-be robber might have gotten away with some cash, when he tried to hold up a Starbucks, had he not been tardy.
Apparently the two employees, inside the Starbucks, watched as a man wearing a ski mask approach the front doors of the store armed with a handgun. When the man tried the door he couldn't open it because the store had just closed five minutes before and the doors were locked.
Caught at a disadvantage, instead of point the gun at the employees to open the door (I am assuming he could see them, if they could see him), the tardy bandit got into the passenger side of a waiting black van and left. The employees promptly called 911 (a magic number in this post), and the van was pulled over just minutes later.
Clearly this was someone who had not paid his dues and done his homework about when the shop closed or how to maintain an element of surprise or even chart out viable escape routes.
The eventual outcome was sort of a no brainer, really.
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