Tuesday, 7 June 2011

It's a strange world after all

Just read about the start of a great club that all men would encourage their wives to join – its founded in Malaysia and is simply titled as “Obedient Wives Club.”

(Possibly so that there is no confusion whatsoever about the club's profile and motto.)

According to a newspaper report, the club has set itself up on a lofty (ambitious?) end game – to cure social ills such as prostitution and divorce by “teaching women to be submissive and keep their men happy in the bedroom.”

The concept of the club is possibly every man's pipe dream and sounds almost too good to be true to be founded by women.

Before any man falls on his knees in supplication and rejoices out loud that “there is a God,” it should be noted that, true to form, the club was founded by a fringe Islamic group known as the Global Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood).


The very idea of such a club reeks of man's narcissistic involvement somewhere. The dead giveaway, I think, is the name of the club itself. Men (especially Muslim men obsessed with the bedroom) are too eager to get something started (no pun intended) to sweat such details – in the name of efficiency they would want to make no bars about what is expected of its members. Clearly women have a better imagination and are better at the art of manipulation.

Although, the fact that the club, which was found only last Saturday, already has 800 members does put this theory to question.

Whatever else can be said about the Global Ikhwan, it must be said that the group definitely has tremendous temerity and high levels of frustration among its ranks – previous activities included the setting up of a polygamy club two years ago!

The group is already eyeing a Jakarta chapter of the 'Obedient Wives Club.'


On another note on an entirely different topic, and on the other side of the world, according to a radio report a US father in Utah has waved goodbye to his 16-year old son on the school bus every morning of the 180-day school year dressed in different costumes everyday.

Which does not sound as bad as it does embarrassing for the teen, until you consider that he would dress in clothes ranging from Elvis, the Little Mermaid, and Princess Leia.

His rationale for doing this? To show his son how much he cares about his son.

Waving from a ceramic 'throne'
Image from waveatthebus.blogspot.com

He was quoted in the Deseret News, a Salt Lake City newspaper, saying “I hope this lives with him for the rest of his life," adding that "He can use it against his kids and tell them, 'If you think you are embarrassed by me, you should have seen your grandfather.'"

The son had enough time to overcome the embarrassment to eventually find it entertaining.

Costumes have also included a killer clown, werewolf, ninja, leprechaun, gypsy, Batgirl, and Michael Jackson. He has worn spandex, pleather, feathers and wigs.

The man's wife began posting daily photos of her husband waving goodbye to the bus on her own blog, waveatthebus.blogspot.com.

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