Friday, 3 June 2011

Assumptions gone wild...

I saw this news clip on NBC news.

Absolutely bizarre and pregnant with assumptions!

The news item is about a California woman caught by neighbours wheeling her garbage can with human remains sticking out! The police were called in and she is being charged for murder.

Don't want to wait for the video download? Just read below (my comments are in parenthesis and in RED):


Calif. woman seen pushing body parts in trash can
51-year-old arrested on suspicion of murder (you think?!)

ONTARIO, Calif. — California authorities say a San Bernardino woman was arrested for investigation of murder after she was seen pushing a trash can with body parts inside.

Police arrested 51-year-old Carmen Montenegro Sunday night in an Ontario neighborhood.
"Human remains could be seen and she had evidence on her that seemed to be consistent that she was involved with disposal of the body," detective Jeff Crittenden told KTLA-TV. (That detective proves to be one smart cookie! I wonder what gave it away?)

According to the San Bernardino County Sun, the contents of the trash can contained the partial remains of an unidentified man. Officials declined to say which body parts were present or missing (somebody has the job of putting the body together!).

Montenegro reportedly walked the trash can 200 yards along a sidewalk — from a home she may have lived in — until her arrest.

"I personally didn't see it. I just know that it is something you would not normally see in the middle of the daytime," Crittenden said. (I guess the woman didn't have a guilty conscience; but neither are we in a position to assume she had really thought things through – I'd imagine that even if she had managed to successfully put the 'garbage' out for collection, can it be safely assumed that the garbage man would not notice the human appendages sticking out?)

Investigators spent Monday excavating the property outside the home where the body is believed to have come from. A detective says they found what may be bodily fluids in part of the yard.

According to the reports, police believe the man's remains were dug up from the backyard of the home. Upon searching the property, Crittenden told the Sun that authorities found a hole dug in the lawn.

Residents of the neighbourhood told the Sun that the home is owned by a relative of Montenegro's. According to reports, Montenegro has lived in the residence on and off for at least 15 years.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


The story leaves one almost speechless, and the mind boggles with assumptions about the motives behind the alleged crime.

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