Sunday 8 May 2011

To all mothers... good tidings

There are hundreds of sweet sweet sentimentalities on Mother's Day you could find on the internet, but the most poignant one I had ever come across was also the one that communicated the simplest ideas because it defines what a mother is - and what a father can never truly be...

"A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie."

The words by Tenneva Jordon in my mind simply defines a mother - because it defines my mother for me... and to be honest, your mother for you. Mother's Day is but one day, but a mother's day is probably every single day because she wilfully dedicates each moment to her child. I see this in my mother, i see this in my children's mother... everyday is built around those she cares most about.

Even as a doting father who would give my all for my children, I will be the first to admit that often times I have other pressing priorities (which I, more often than not, reluctantly relegate to second place for the sake of my children). I suspect that no mother harbours such reluctances - and it is this self-sacrifice and ne'er a thought attitude that makes mothers the best!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers that I know, and to all the mothers that I love... I am because you are.

Following is a poem i discovered on the web. Unfortunately no author is attributed to it, but I think it says what we all mean on this day.

Before I Was Myself, You Made Me, Me

Before I was myself you made me, me
With love and patience, discipline and tears,

Then bit by bit stepped back to set me free,

Allowing me to sail upon my sea,
Though well within the headlands of your fears.
Before I was myself you made me, me

With dreams enough of what I was to be

And hopes that would be sculpted by the years,
Then bit by bit stepped back to set me free,

Relinquishing your powers gradually
To let me shape myself among my peers.
Before I was myself you made me, me,

And being good and wise, you gracefully
As dancers when the last sweet cadence nears
Bit by bit stepped back to set me free.

For love inspires learning naturally:
The mind assents to what the heart reveres.

And so it was through love you made me, me
By slowly stepping back to set me free.

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